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AI CD #4 : Linnean Classification of all Dinosaur species of the World

Details are here

 This list of dinosaur species will be part of the Valerie android's expert knowledge base.  It will be used to answer questions directed to the Valerie android.

                   2 Orders
                  70 Families
                 673 Genera
                 995 Species

Full list of 995 dinosaur species available on CD now for $20 


AI CD #3 : Linnean Classification of all Mammal species of the World

Details are here

 This list of mammal species will be part of the Valerie android's expert knowledge base.  It will be used to answer questions directed to the Valerie android.

                  28 Orders
                 161 Families
                 747 Genera
                4939 Species

Full list of 4939 mammal species available on CD now for $20 


AI CD #2 : Linnean Classification of all Bird species of the World

Details are here

 This list of bird species will be part of the Valerie android's expert knowledge base.  It will be used to answer questions directed to the Valerie android.

                  29 Orders
                 201 Families
                2073 Genera
               10010 Species

Full list of 10010 bird species available on CD now for $20 


        AI CD #1 : useful English language data

           The following data are included on the CD:
1. Webster's unabridged 180,000+ word dictionary (1913)
          heavily edited with parts of speech corrected and definitions.
2. CIA World Factbook for 2003 - html version.
          3. Roget's Thesaurus - text version.
4. Full King James version of the Bible.
5. Full Koran in browse-able html format
6. familiar quotations
7. US counties
8. US places
9. List of male names, female names, and family names
10. List of swear words with parts of speech
11. Countries of the world with internet abbreviations & capitals
12. Flags of the world from the CIA database.
13. List of the 2000 most common words in the English language.
          14. European languages word lookup lists.
15. Readme files for each directory.

       Over 90MB of data -  just $50 - including postage




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