1. Kevin Hoh from Malaysia has build a full-sized
android with 30 DOF. His work is very impressive and he is
working alone. His
website is here. He calls his robot,
Olano2. The fingers of his android work individually
(contrast with Asimo)
Great job Kevin!

2. James Bruton from Surrey, UK, sent me an email about the
androids he is building. He now has a new website for his
projects called XRobots.
He is now working on his 7th android. WOW! He
has a lot of fun things on his new site. Check
it out.
Killertron (4)
Great job James!
(* Updated 08/01/2005 *)
from New York has built a very interesting
humanoid which he calls the Nanofly. This robot has 20 DOF, stands 25 inches (63 cm)
tall and weighs 24 pounds (11 Kg). Here is a website
for Nanofly. Nanofly's computer system is inside the robot. It can operate
wirelessly by GPS navigation. Nanofly can also be programmed for
entertainment or it can just show off what it can do like dancing,
walking , talking, etc..
4. Special Mention Katsuhisa
Ito from Tokyo, Japan has built another
SUPER android called Silf-H2. It has 20 DOF and is 25 cm
tall. He has movies on his site too. (* NEW *)
5. John Shepherd from the
UK sent me an email about his HUGE android called "Cyborg". John has built this
robot by himself - WOW! It stands 5'4" (163 cm) tall and weighs 200 Kg (440
lbs). It can walk taking 45cm (20") strides. Very impressive.
It now has 20 DOF. .
NEW picture 12/23/04
I think "Cyborg" will earn John a lot of offers. |
John has built another robot he calls "Droid".
WOW! I wish he was on my team. Droid stands 5 feet tall, weighs 120
pounds (55 Kg), and has 18 DOF. It can walk and stand on one
leg. John has a website
which will be coming up soon.
6. The Nishimura Robot
Club in Japan has a nice humanoid
project. It uses RC servos for muscles - like several other projects around the world.
Nishimura Robot Club's humanoid. |
7. Tara the female
android has been built by John Bergeron at a cost of about $2,000. This android is
about 5' 10" tall. It is not available for sale or rental yet. Tara is anthropomorphic
but cannot walk. Tara is now starring in her
own Music Video DVD.
8. Roger Starnes (UK) has built a small humanoid which
he calls Scarlet
(see bottom of page). It is driven by 15 PICs and 30 servos. Great
job Roger.
Scarlet (in his stand).
9. Dan Gates sent me an email about his walker called
S.A.M.M. (for servo actuated mechanical man).
His little humanoid looks very professional and perhaps a marketable toy. Super job Dan!
10. Tokyo Institute of Technology
has a project called Super Mechano
Boy. It is about 50 cm tall and has 9 DOF. It was built by Fumihiko Asano and
Norihiro Kamamichi. Kamamichi-san's
page has more pictures and lots
of videos. This robot is supposed to be an acrobat.
11. Mr. Hirota sent me an email about his tiny walking android. He has lots
of different robots on his site.
The walking android is his 6th robot project. He also has a movie of his android walking.
Hirota-san also gave me a link to a walking robot club in Japan called Robo-One. Some of them are
listed in the following panels. Hirota-san's
walking robot.
12. Here is KHR-02 built by K. Yoshimura of the SuperMachineR club. Here are some more pix. KHR-02.
13. Here is KHR-03 also built by K. Yoshimura of the SuperMachineR club. Here are some more pix KHR-03.
14 Here is R-Blue built by the SuperMachineR club.
15. There are also two tiny androids built by the Phantom Ring club. This one
is called LandGame5. Phantom Ring 5.
16. Here is the 2nd android built by the Phantom Ring club. Its called
17. This is a small walker built by the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Its called A1216. This android is also part of the "Newmanoid Project".
In fact, it looks like it has grown an upper half too.
18. Here is RWK02 built by the Fukuchi Robot Laboratory.
19. Here is the MK-2IR -1 built by
the National Ibaraki Technical College. It reminds you of the robot from the movie RoboCop
- except much smaller of course.
20. Here is one called Zaku-1. It was built by the Model Workshop. It is 30 cm tal and
weighs 0.6 Kg.
Zaku -1. |
21. This entry is called RC-Gundam.
It was built by Daisuke Matsumoto. It is 30 cm tall, the width is 13.5 cm and depth is 9
cm, and it weighs 0.5 Kg.
22. Finally, the Nagano Industrial High
School built this one. It is 44 cm tall. Nagano HS
23. Michael Harte from SCOTLAND sent me a packet of pictures of his
android project. Its over 7 feet tall (2.2m)! His android is EXTREMELY impressive for one
person - its even impressive for a whole group! You can see he is using pneumatic or
hydraulic cylinders. You can also see he has four controller cards already built in.
The right picture shows what appears to be body armour in place on the torso.
Perhaps he is building an android soldier.
24. Lurch
(nearly 7 feet tall) was built at the University of Alabama by Mike Downey and friends. It
has 7 DOF.
25. Walter Fritz
from Buenos Aires, Argentina is building Robby the household humanoid robot.
Robby will be 4'3" tall and weigh about 85 pounds. Walter has sent us another new
picture. Robby is progressing well. Walter has now posted an E-Book called "Intelligent
Systems and Their Societies" on his site.
26.& 27. Prof. Thomas
Braunl of the University of Western Australia is building an android he calls Johnny Walker.
Prof. Braunl is director of the Mobile Robot Lab . They have
now built a new android called Jim Beam.
Johnny Walker Jim
Beam |
28. Prof. Gordon Wyeth and several of his students have started a project
called GuRoo (for
Grossly Underfunded Roo) at the University of
Queensland, in Brisbane, Australia. GuRoo will have 23 degrees of freedom and
will stand 1.2 m tall. Its projected weight is 30kg. 
29. Saul Cisneros is starting his own android project too. He has
started a new website which is here.
You may email Saul here. (*
30. Frank Kirchner, who works at the Fraunhofer Institute for Autonomous Intelligent
Systems in Gernamy, is working on an android he calls "two
legs". It is 55cm tall, weighs about 10 pounds and has 20 DOF.
Twolegs |
31. Bob Mottram in the UK has a small robot project which he calls Rodney. He has
vision and 14 DOF. It appears that he is controlled with servos.
Rodney. |
32. AIST in Japan has a small project called MR1. It is only 13"
(33cm) tall and has only 4 DOF, but it apparently can walk! Wow! Very impressive. Here is
a link to their site (Japanese) and a rough English translation of it. They have some really
good links if you can read Japanese or want to struggle with Babelfish translations.
33. Carlos Miguel sent me an email about his android project. His android can stand
up. Very impressive. He even has a movie on his site and lots of pictures of
his balancing robot. Its about 3 feet tall.
51KB. |
34. Charles D. Engler Jr. is building a personal assistant
household robot. It will be about 5'8" tall and weigh about 80 pounds. It will be
sexless but will have 49 degrees of freedom.
Image is 8K. |
35. Ivan Estevez of Bogota, Colombia has build a
very advanced android. It has 30 DOF, speech recognition,
stereo vision system (motion detection, skin detection, 3D
reconstruction space), autonomus motion for 3 hours, 120 voice comands,
and speech synthesis as well. WOW! He calls
his android
Vincent. Very impressive. (* new 03/09/2006
36. Sharat Sharma
from India has built an analog robot. As you can see from the photo, this is a
great accomplishment for one person. He also sent me some more info
about it. 7KB |
37. Mark Medonis sent me an email about an animatronic head he is working
on. His robot is called Maxwell. It does speech synthesis and lip sync at the same time.
Wow! Mark has a company called Medonis Engineering.
He is now offering Maxwell as an animatronic kit. He also offers
electronic components for robot builders.
43KB |
38. Patrick M. Rael has built an animatronic
head as the first step of his android project. His android is called Robot Maxamilian
or R.Max for short. He also has web pages which tell how
you can duplicate his feat for about $600. His eyes pan and tilt and have video cameras
inside them.
R.Max's head (51KB). |
39 & 40. Imperial College (London, England) has two small
projects called FLIP
& FLOP. They have a staff of 4 professors working on the project. The leader
is Prof. Murray Shanahan. They also have a human torso project called Ludwig. Flip &
Flop |
41. Dave Everett is building
various robots including domestic service robots and androids. Dave has built the legs of
his android first. As the photo below shows, each leg has 5 degrees of freedom. Dave lives
in Australia.
Image is 60K |
42. Ron LeBlanc has put together a first class android website which he
calls Cybotix. He is working
hard on his own android called RALF. Ron has just sent us a new picture of RALF!!
Ron lives in Toronto, Canada. (* UPDATED 08/02/03 *)
43. Ron LeBlanc and some of his friends have started another android
project called - The United Android
Project. They are trying to get a group together to build an android utilizing
the skills and knowledge of all. They has set up messages boards and anyone who is
interested in androids is welcome to join. Check them out.
44 I received an email from Del Jody, an Italian
inventor, who has built a small humanoid which he calls the JHR-1. He
has a really nice website
- with lots of pictures..
45. Jacob Fredslund from Denmark has built a humanoid robot which he calls
Image is 29K |
46. Jacob Fredslund has another robot now called Dr.
Watson. This robot shows various facial
expressions. (* NEW *)
<= Dr. Watson
47. And another one called feelix.
It was built and programmed by Dolores Canamero and Jakob Fredslund
from Lego Lab at Aarhus University. (* NEW
<= feelix |
48. Brian Olson,
a student at the Carnegie Mellon University is one of 5 guys who are building an
anthropomorphic bipedal
walker, called Iria. The others are Jon Hurst, Rich LaBarca, Peter Sand, &
Joe Giuliani. They have some pix now, here. And Brian has some
close-ups on his site here.
Iria stands about 18" (50cm) tall and is driven by servos. |
49. The Robotics Club of
Yahoo was formed 9/11/98 and now boasts 780 members worldwide. They call themselves
TRCY. They are going to build an android called Frank N. Stein. No pix
yet but here is another link to their
project. |
50. Mats Onnerby (from
Sweden) sent me an email about the android he is building. It stands 40 cm
(16") tall and has 5 DOF in each leg. It can walk. Mats is working on a head
with one eye which will allow it to see. It is controlled by a Basic Stamp II
SX. Here are some more pix of his
robots.  |
51. Shuquig Zeng, a grad student at Michigan State University, is building
a humanoid robot
too. Four people are putting this android together: Jianda Han, K.Tham,
Shuquig Zeng and Prof. Juyang Weng, who is leading the project. They call
their robot "Dav".
52. Another global
android project called "Project Borg" was started at the end of June (2000).
They have about 85 members already. They are planning to build a full sized android but
are still in the design stage - so no
pix yet. |
53. Robbie Singh
has built a mobile robot which is quite advanced. It appears to be about 5' tall and
2' wide.
Robbie - 14KB |
54. Koji
Yoshino is building a VERY advanced robot. He has both English and Japanese pages.
There is also a page which is devoted to just the
55. Jin Sato has built a small android he calls Mirai. There are only a couple of pages -
and none in English. It looks like about 12 DOF and 12" tall. Mirai by Jin Sato.
56. Carlos Alanis sent me an email from Mexico City about an android that
he and his father have built. Its called Chuby. They don't have a website yet but here is
a picture of Chuby. He moves forward & backward, he turns left & right, his
arms move, his head moves side to side & up and down. He plays music and flashes
strobe lights. Great job!
Chuby - 49KB. |
57. Carlos Ferreira da Silva
sent me an email about the android he and his friends, Ricardo Paraguassu and Daniel
Rodrigues are building at the Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, Sao Paulo, Brazil, called
"Joana Prado". Their android can move her arms and fingers. Good start guys. 
58. Scott Nortman sent me an email about his android. Scott is an undergrad at the Univ of Flordia.
His field of interest is electrical engineering. His android is called Omnibot.
Omnibot - 65KB.
59. Joe Rush sent me an email about his android called Electra
(because she is all electric). She is 63" (160cm) tall and
weighs 85 pounds (39Kg). Joe has built memory wire operated
hands for her.
electric hand |
60. Chris Hillman has been working on a head for his android. It appears
that his android will be a large male. He has many other projects underway too.
Image is 67KB |
61. Monash University in Australia is starting a humanoid
robot project. They have four professors who are planning on participating. No pix
yet. |
62. Li Ming De from Anshang Liaoning
China has built a small walking
humanoid. Mr. Li is an electrician. His humanoid is about 20
cm tall and weighs 1 Kg. The robot's stride is 4 cm.

Here are two more of his creations. Excellent work!
next panel ==========>

63. I received an email from Per L. in Sweden about his WALKING
hexapod. He gives a lot of info about how he did everything. He
includes a lot of info about driving servos and PIC controllers &
Kinematics & Inverse kinematics. (UPD 8/18/05)

Hexapod from Sweden.
64. Juliano Iuscu is a first year student in Melbourne,
Australia. He has build a very nice hand. You can
contact Juliano here.
He now has
a website here.
65. Mike Otis has built a small humanoid which he calls Manatron.
His humanoid has stands about 15" (38 cm) tall and weighs about
one pound (0.4 Kg). It is driven by several Basic Stamp
microprocessors. What is most impressive is that his humanoid can
walk, dance, and speak 6 languages - WOW! Great job
Mike Otis' Manatron
66. Andreas Maryanto of Surabaya, Indonesia sent me an
email about his humanoid hand project. He has lots of good
pictures of it on his
website here. His hand has 11 DOF - 2 for each finger
and one extra for the thumb. He uses servo motors to
operate the fingers. Andreas is a grad student at the University
of Surabaya. Great job Andreas.

Maryanto Hand.
67. I received an email from
Ikhsan Ishak,
who is from the University Technology of Malaysia, about a biped which he and his
coursemate, Mr. Ebnu, are building for their final year project for
bachelor of Electrical Engineering in Robotics. Their robot has
10 DOF, stands 30 cm tall and weighs about 3 Kg. It is driven by
a Basic Stamp and a servo controller and 10 servos of course. It can
actually walk! Great work guys.
68. Tai Hsu is directing a humanoid project at Northwestern
Polytechnic University in Fremont California. They are building
a low cost servo
driven humanoid which is similar to #63 (just to the
left). It has 10 DOF. Their total cost is under
$200. Although they don't have any jpgs of their humanoid
they do have a video which shows it walking.
69. Rodney from Australia has a project which he calls
Tinman. It is a full sized humanoid which moves on tracks
like a tank. His site is
here. Great work.
Tinman (* new 3/22/06 *)
70. Roger Starnes
(who passed away in October of 2004) built many
interesting robots. Among them was a humanoid robot which he called
Scarlet. It was quite sophistocated. It stands 67 cm
tall, weighs 3.3 Kg, and has 31 degrees of freedom.
71.A group of Japanese college students have built a nice humanoid
robot called EMMA-UOA. The team leader is Nakano Hirofumi.
Their robot stands 22 cm tall and weighs only 0.85 Kg. It has 23
degrees of freedom. They have some nice videos of their robot in
action. Check it out.
72. A small company in Budapest, Hungary called LogIntSys has built two
medium sized humanoids. The team leader is Balazs Pecskal.
They call their humanoids Simon V2 and Simon V3. Simon V2
stands 74 cm tall and weighs 3.5 Kg. It has 24 degrees of freedom.
Simon V2
73. LogIntSys also has a humanoid called Simon V3. It
stands 115 cm tall and weighs 6 Kg. It has 32 degrees of
freedom. They have done a very good job and their humanoids are the
first I have seen from Hungary.
Simon V3